Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Well Baby Checkup!

Addison had her first well-baby check up yesterday! She lost down to 6lbs6oz when we left the hospital, and has now gained up to 6 lbs 10 oz. Only 3oz away from our birth weight!

Dr. Rhodes said she is a perfect little baby :) We also got to see the lactation consultant while we were there. My milk came in Saturday night, and I am SUPER DUPER engorged. Like-never before have I been this full. So, we got to talk about my oversupply and how to tackle it without having to deal with mastitis (I've never had it, but i've heard it's pretty bad). I am having to pump 1-2x a day just for relief, but it also is giving me a good stockpile of breastmilk for when I go back to work in February.

She also was slightly jaundiced, but I almost expected it. All 3 kids have had it now. So-we go tomorrow to get her levels checked again, but she has been eating/pooping, so i'm sure we are in the clear.

1 comment:

Denise C said...

Beeeautiful! Its been a while since you had a sweet baby (infant) girl, huh? She's a cutey! And the abundance of booby juice is great! I'm prematurely worried about the day I'll have to wean myself from Haley...

Congrats again!