Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Taylor!!!

Not much to this post, but Taylor turned 4 yesterday!!! Where does the time go?!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where to Start?

It's been forever since I've updated...lots have happened since then.

Gustav really kicked our butts. Our home flooded with over 2 ft of water, totalled both vehicles, and cancelled our schools for a week. Our house is unlivable right now...We were able to save some furniture and belongings, but we lost so much. Baby pictures, bedding, shoes, toiletries, rugs, electronics, appliances, old home videos, my Nikon camera, kids toys and books... It's depressing to think about it.

We have begun the cleaning/gutting process of our home. I have pics on my Myspace, if you want to look just click over there ---------->

My van was flooded and wouldn't start. Our insurance totalled it a little over a week ago, so I am the owner of a brand spankin' new 08 Civic, which I LOOOOOOOOOVE.

We wanted to get a new Civic a couple months ago, but the prices/trade-in value just didn't work for us. With the insurance totalling our vehicle, we had $3000 to put towards our new car, so not one penny came out of our own budgeted pockets! It has been nice to have little bits of positive stuff happening in the midst of all this craziness.

So-that is my update. We are waiting on a sum from our flood insurance (yes-we had insurance on the structure/appliances) so that we can start rebuilding. FEMA got in contact with us, and we are filling our paperwork for a grant through them to help cover the contents of the house. We have been blessed through so many people (friends, co-workers, FEMA, insurance) with extra money to cover the little things that we lost that we need every day (Hair straighteners, for instance LOL And razors, and toothbrushes...the list goes on) We are so thankful for everything that has been done!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


What a crazy couple of weeks i've had! Lots of new stuff going on. I officially started teaching the week before last and I have just been having a blast. I teach a total of 8 classes (4 classes each day that alternate A days and B days, with one planning period). I teach 6 Social Studies elective classes and 2 reading/writing classes to both 7th and 8th graders.

I cannot tell you how great going to work has been. The kids are doing great, i'm doing great, and Kyle loves me actually bringing home a paycheck for the first time in our 5 year long marriage! LOL It feels SO nice to be able to have adult conversation every single day!!! As a stay-at-home-mom, that was something most of us never get. I love my kids, and love being around them, but I can just tell that it's time for me to move and grow outside of that life. Teaching is great-you have 4 months out of each year off WITH PAY! LOL I love that I can be home by 4 and have supper cooked, the kids cuddled, and then have the entire evening for family stuff. It's a good thing we all go to bed at 10 p.m. :)

I had been very worried about the kids, and me being gone until 4 pm every day. But-by the time they wake up (9ish), eat breakfast, play for a couple hours, eat lunch, and nap (2-4) I am home. I don't even think they realize i'm gone, so no separation anxiety issues in this family :) Chase is still nursing 1-2x for a few minutes in the evenings, but i'm hanging on to it. I love nursing, even if it is for 5 minutes a day :)

But-seriously...it's hard work. Teaching is NOT for everyone, but I can tell it is definitely my calling. I LOVE it...I get excited over the little things, and sometimes lay awake at night thinking of ways to introduce mummies or latitude/longitude! LOL

Now-I know you really want to know about the kids, so here goes: Taylor is a brilliant genius. Seriously. She has found a love for my SchoolHouse Rock dvd and now knows what nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, and adjectives are! It's crazy! She is recognizing words and is starting to read some short words.

Chase is still my baby...I can't believe how big he is getting. He's around 25lbs, but doesn't look like it to just see him. He's solid though :) He is running and climbing and jumping and really acting like a toddler. When we go to the park, he is fearless. he will climb the TALL big kid playsets (the ones that are like 8 feet tall with ladders and big tube swirly slides) No baby swings for this kid!

His new favorite thing is to imitate whatever he hears. (Usually animal noises and names) He loves his kitty cat and harrases her constantly (see the video below) He is starting to get a little bit more vocal each day. Still likes to sit and just take everything in... It's amazing how different my 2 kids are! I can just see his brain working and the way he thinks and problem solves. Things like puzzles and blocks and all that fun stuff.

Well-i'll have pictures soon! Park, kids, and my CLASSROOM!!! I am so proud of it...I've worked hard cleaning it and painting it. It was in a room that hadn't been used for 3 years, so you can imagine. So, keep on the lookout for those!

Tow Mater in Action!

Chase got this for his 1st birthday, but it was quickly taken by Taylor. Chase LOVES it now...he terrorizes the kitty cat with it! LOL I was able to get a couple of videos the other night of him zooming around on it!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Personality Test

I took this test that my sister-in-law posted on her blog (If you wanna check it out, and see my gorgeous neice in the process, click on the "Bella and Co." link over there ----------->
and scroll down!
Here are my results. I am classified as "The Counselor". More private than "The Teacher". I love teaching, and I know there are my job openings for teachers, but I know in my heart I would enjoy doing things like missions and social work! I also get to do one-on-one things in my field, like mentoring and tutoring, so it is still close to the career path I chose 6 years ago :)

Idealist Portrait of the Counselor (INFJ)
Counselors have an exceptionally strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others, and find great personal fulfillment interacting with people, nurturing their personal development, guiding them to realize their human potential. Although they are happy working at jobs (such as writing) that require solitude and close attention, Counselors do quite well with individuals or groups of people, provided that the personal interactions are not superficial, and that they find some quiet, private time every now and then to recharge their batteries. Counselors are both kind and positive in their handling of others; they are great listeners and seem naturally interested in helping people with their personal problems. Not usually visible leaders, Counselors prefer to work intensely with those close to them, especially on a one-to-one basis, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes.

Counselors are scarce, little more than one percent of the population, and can be hard to get to know, since they tend not to share their innermost thoughts or their powerful emotional reactions except with their loved ones. They are highly private people, with an unusually rich, complicated inner life. Friends or colleagues who have known them for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that Counselors are flighty or scattered; they value their integrity a great deal, but they have mysterious, intricately woven personalities which sometimes puzzle even them.

Counselors tend to work effectively in organizations. They value staff harmony and make every effort to help an organization run smoothly and pleasantly. They understand and use human systems creatively, and are good at consulting and cooperating with others. As employees or employers, Counselors are concerned with people's feelings and are able to act as a barometer of the feelings within the organization.

Blessed with vivid imaginations, Counselors are often seen as the most poetical of all the types, and in fact they use a lot of poetic imagery in their everyday language. Their great talent for language-both written and spoken-is usually directed toward communicating with people in a personalized way. Counselors are highly intuitive and can recognize another's emotions or intentions - good or evil - even before that person is aware of them. Counselors themselves can seldom tell how they came to read others' feelings so keenly. This extreme sensitivity to others could very well be the basis of the Counselor's remarkable ability to experience a whole array of psychic phenomena.

Mohandas Gandhi, Sidney Poitier, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Goodall, Emily Bronte, Sir Alec Guiness, Carl Jung, Mary Baker Eddy, Queen Noor are examples of the Counselor Idealist (INFJ).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's Been Forever! Lots of pics to make up for it :)

Wow! Lots has happened since my last blog! In about 2 weeks, i'll be starting my teaching career!!! I will be at Dry Prong Junior High teaching ELA and World History to 7th and 8th graders!!! I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!

And-bigger news-we bought a house!

We are finally settled enough to take a few pictures of our new home in Pineville!!! On July 10, we bought our first home (we have rented for the last 5 years) It is a cute little brick house in central Pineville. It's a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, with a gigantic playroom, roomy utility room, and Kee's park in our front yard!!! It's perfect! LOL So-here are some pics just so you get the general idea.
Pics are of: the outside of the house, the park, backyard, living room, kitchen, utility room, bedrooms, bathrooms, playrooms...
Our first big project will be the bathrooms. They could use some "modernizing" with tile and new vanities. I should be writing lesson plans, but instead i'm spending my last few weeks as a free woman comparing tile samples! LOL I figure I won't have time for house stuff as I will soon be grading papers and writing plans in my free time!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Poop and Other Fun Stuff

I have always been the type to not push potty training. I let Taylor go at her own pace, and at 2 years old, she potty-trained herself in 2 days. Day and night, with no accidents!

So-with Chase, I decided to do the same thing. Unfortunately, he seems to have other plans. For the last couple of days, when he needs to poop he will walk to me and pull on the bottom of his shorts. When he does that, I know he pooped/is pooping. I tell him to go get me a diaper and he will LOL (well-he usually brings a swim diaper, but hey-he tried!)

Now i'm not sure what to do...do I attempt to start the journey of potty-training? I don't even know how to pottytrain a 16 month old! I am used to the kids that can pull their clothes off, wipe, and wash their hands without any assistance. Part of me would like to go ahead and let him try, the other half hopes he waits until next summer when he is Taylor's PTing age and I don't have to do all that work. Who wants to be sitting in the bathroom all day waiting!? LOL

I'll keep yall updated! We're working on our sign language for the potty, Chase thinks it hilarious to sign "poop". He loves to sign...would you believe "milk" is his favorite word? LOL

Pictures coming soon! PROMISE!

Friday, June 20, 2008

For Denise!

I know I have not updated recently...we've been busy busy busy. Long summer days and 2 crazy kiddos=lots of things to do and get into! Other than park picnics, kiddie pool days, and movie nights (we joined Netflix...it's awesome...you should all try it!), I have been putting together my new curriculum for ELA and Social Studies! That's right, I am now hired and a teacher!

I will be teaching 8th grade at Dry Prong Junior High this fall! I am SOOO excited. I got my room key and will get all my paperwork turned in in mid-July. I am just trying to enjoy my last summer as a free woman! I am really excited about being out of the house for the first time since I had Taylor. Part of me is sad, but I know they will be in good hands while i'm gone. And-I only work for 8 months out of the year! I still consider myself a part stay-at-home-mom! LOL Chase is still a boob-a-holic with no plans of stopping soon! LOL We survived me being gone student teaching, so it shouldn't be a problem in August.

We are also in the process of buying our first home!!! I am so excited about it...I just hate all the "hurry up and wait" stuff. I'll post pics once we are moved in!!! It's in Pineville and right beside Taylor's "favorite favorite favorite" park! (Kee's park for you local peeps) I am hoping it all goes through and we are in soon!

I also wanted to include a pic...my mom's birthday was this week and Chase quite enjoyed it! LOL

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


This was Chase's first time ever getting to hold it/eat it himself! LOL Usually, i'll get one and share it with him. They are the perfect size! They are Blue Bell 24 count rainbow pops, and are 1/2 the size of a normal popsicle. And 35 calories each! Woohoo! (just ignore all the sugar and artificial colors...I consider them a "rare treat" and summer lasts only, what?, 10 months in these parts??? LOL

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How I Spent My Summer Vacation...

Our plans of spending a looooong Memorial Day weekend in Gulf Shores ended pretty quickly. We planned to drive in on Thursday night, and leave Monday afternoon. Wednesday, Chase's nasty cough turned into a cough+fever, so we made an appointment to have that checked out in Ruston. We planned to see the doctor, get an RX for what we thought was an ear infection, and be on our way to the beach. Yeah, right.

After a 3 hour doctors visit, which included 2 chest X-rays, 2 Albuterol nebulizer treatments, and an RSV test, we were told Chase's lungs were stretched and his bronchials weren't opening enough, and that he was wheezing. I'm still thankful it wasn't RSV or pnemonia!! He isn't contagious to adults, but the doctor said he might pass it to another small child or baby...and we knew his younger cousin would be in Gulf Shores. Didn't want to risk it...

Sooo...we stuck around Alexandria and used our vacation savings to do stuff around here. Got to see 2 movies in the theater, we ate out for lunch and dinner EVERY night, and went to the park/ice cream place/mall with Taylor and Chase a few different times. We ended up being glad we stayed...we got to REST and not drive 20+ hours with $4 gas!

Anywhoooo...enough yapping. Here's some pitiful pictures of my baby boy. These were taken today, which is his last day with the nebulizer. The first day or so was TORTURE! He screamed and wiggled out of our arms. Now-he laughs, watches tv, and hold it himself! LOL He is too funny...i'll be glad when the Albuterol hyperness gets out of his system... he is WILD on this stuff!

He's laughing behind the mask! LOL

He likes to share the goods...

Shaken Baby Syndrome! LOL

The Albuterol Chase gets through the nebulizer makes him CRAZY HYPER!!! The kid will be wound up for hours...this is just a taste of the fun he has :)

Chase...AKA the Table Dancer...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend :)


UNTIL THEY BOTH WANT THE TURTLE! LOL (Notice Chase escaping down the driveway...we can't keep up with him!)

Chase had no interest in swimming (but notice his super cute swim trunks!!!)

Chase will seriously drag this around the yard and hit the golf balls!

Daddy showing him how it's done :)

Zoo Day!

We went to the zoo a few weeks ago, and I never dumped my 2G memory card LOL Sooo, here are a few pics of the kids (You've all seen zoo animals, I didn't think I needed to post those too LOL)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Birthday Pics!

Hope you enjoyed these...his party was on March 15th. He had a BLAST! His favorite toy would have to be the Tow Mater car...he likes to ride on it, but STANDING on it is much more fun. I can't believe he's been walking for almost 5 months now! He's really growing up!
He loves climbing things. The couches, beds, any ride-on toy in sight...i'm sure his next "thing" will be to jump off of everything. The child has no fear...
Anyway-thanks to everyone who came and brought gifts :) He loves them all!