Monday, May 23, 2011

40 lbs GONE!

Shortly after Christmas, I made the decision that 2011 was going to be the year that I got healthy, and started making some better choices regarding my health. For some reason, I have always had a difficult time losing baby weight. Breastfeeding seemed to constantly work against me: instead of the calories being used, I starved and had to eat, eat, eat to keep my milk supply.

Addison started to cut back from 6+ feedings a day, to 3 nursings a day around her first birthday. I decided to use this transition as a starting point for me to start working on weight loss and muscle building. I made "January 1st" D-Day, and started there...I began using the old Weight watchers points system, which worked wonderfully before. But, I quickly realized that I wanted a system that was more precise and exact that just rounding things up to a 1 point or 2 points. A good friend suggested using the website, as well as getting a good weighing scale and food scale. Using these tools, I found the weight starting to melt off. I was rarely hungry, and my milk supply hasn't suffered at all!

When I started, I had no clue that I would actually go anywhere with the loss. I started piecing together pictures, and found that I had a pretty good "Before and After" collage going! Here are some pics, beginning the picture that started it all. I saw this and nearly cried:

New Years Day (Addison's Birthday) Size 14, but really should have been wearing a 16 because the pants were so tight! LOL Weighed in at 178lbs, which was WAY higher than on the day I gave birth to Addison. It wasn't the pregnancy that caused me to gain, but the starvation I experienced during nursing

Older pic: Addison was about 3 or 4 months old, but I was smaller than the day she turned one.
Starting to see a difference: This was at the 25lb lost mark!
27.8 lbs lost: weighing 150lbs
145ish...really starting to tell in my face :)

A recent pic: 40 lbs lost exactly. The jogging pants that swallow me used to be so tight that I didn't need to use the drawstring. Very excited :) 138lbs and holding..Size 6 pants
So-what now? I am not at my goal yet, but I know that slow and steady is better than it melting off and coming back on quickly. My ultimate goal was set at 135 (which is 3.5 lbs away), but I am going to try to lose an additional 10lbs over the summer which would put me at 125 lbs (or a 58lb loss total) I've also gone from a 14/16, to a size 6. I feel I will ultimately be a size 4 again.

I am even more proud to say that I have made it this far the HARD way! Good ol' fashioned diet and exercise. I have made a total change in our eating habits (the whole family, not just me) I still eat the things I love, but few/far between and watch the portion size. Fruit, vegetable, Larabars, lean meats, and fiber rich foods are some things that have really helped!
I have begun running/walking/jogging again, and splurged on a treadmill this spring. Hand weights and zumba have also helped when I need to slip in an easy workout and i'm running low on time :)

Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

The Joneses said...

so you gained weight because you weren't getting enough calories while breastfeeding? That's good to know. I totally haven't lost ANY since about a week after having Isaiah...lost 10 by then, but now, nothing since. I wonder...I'm always hungry, but don't always eat...maybe I should eat more?