Friday, January 18, 2008


Yup...tooth #9 is in! Chase has his top 4 and bottom 4 teeth, and has had them since 4 1/2 months. I've been noticing him gnawing on things more, so I peeked and sure enough: Another tooth! It's on the bottom, right side. He apparently skipped a tooth, and his first molar is through!!! So, there is the 4 front, a space, and a molar! He just seems so little to be getting them!

Poor baby! I know that's got to to get some Hyland's teething tablets, I guess!


Denise said...

Insane Incisors! I can't believe he has all those teeth! You'll have to post dental x-rays for me to believe that story! Wow. Caroline's top two are s-l-o-w-l-y growing out.

The Joneses said...

Bella STILL doesn't have teeth. although Neil and I were looking today (after her rash broke out again in a fury yesterday) and it actually looks like there might be some signs of life under those gums...A LOT of signs of life! hopefully soon - so the poor girl can chew!