Friday, January 25, 2008

Ready for Some Sun and Sand! guessed it! The Joneses are heading out for Cruise #6 next week! Well, half of them...this time it's mommy and daddy only :)

Kyle and I have been discussing a getaway for just us, over a weekend or long weekend. Just didn't have an idea of what to do, or want to spend a billion dollars doing it! Luckily Laura, my personal vacation planner for Carnival Cruises called us at just the right time!

Last weekend, we booked a 4 day cruise to Cozumel, Mexico! We will be leaving on Thursday, January 31st from New Orleans, and arrive back on Monday. I am so excited, but sad at the same time. I've never been away from Chase for more than a few hours, so i'm kind of freaking out! LOL I think he'll be ok. My sister is watching them, and he LOOOOOOVES her!

Besides packing and planning shore excursions, i've also had to PUMP PUMP PUMP!!! Chase is still nursing, eats 3 small meals a day, and has never had formula. I had no milk at all stored in the freezer, so i've been pumping 3 extra times a day (on top of nursing 6x a day) to save up some. The things we do for our kids! LOL But-it's all worth it...nursing is a passion for me :)

Anywhooo...I probrably won't update because i'm too busy cleaning and packing, but when we get back-WATCH OUT! I'll probrably bog the computer down with 500 pictures! LOL

OH-I guess I could mention the kids too... :P

Chase says mama and dada now (and he knows who is who) and has learned to flush the potty! Fun times! Taylor is learning the states, and knows Louisiana, Tx, Oklahoma, Maine, Cali, Miss., Alabama, Florida, Hawaii, and MINNESOTA! LOL She says that is where her daddy lives...i've had to correct people at church. I think they thought Kyle and I were separated at some point and he moved to MN! LOL (He was up there for 2 mos for work!)

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